Wednesday, October 26, 2022

News about My Books #SciFi and #Fantasy Adventures with Romance

All my novels and novellas are now available as paperbacks. The picture shows the first books in my main series, Secret Supers, Grand Masters' Galaxy, Atrapako on Eden, and Taxyon Space

You can clink on the series title for more information.


I have discounted all my ebooks at my Direct Bookstore.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Our Holiday in Hawaii, Part 2 Rainforest on Big Island

We spent a week in a ‘Rainforest Retreat’ near Naalehu on the Big Island of Hawaii. The two-room house was ‘off the grid’ using solar power for electricity and collecting rainwater. 

The house was surrounded by rainforest and adjacent to part of the Volcanoes National Park.

The bromeliads are home to the notorious coqui frogs that chirp loudly at night. They were introduced only recently to the island.

Other introduced plants, like the Nunshood Orchid, are beautiful. 

We were comfortable in the house, although we tried to minimize our use of electricity at night. Water was not a limitation since it rained almost every afternoon and night.  

Friday, October 14, 2022

My Visit to Hawaii - Part 1, Waikiki Beach


We spent three weeks visiting the Hawaiian islands. Since we flew into Honolulu airport on Oahu, we stayed in Waikiki for our first three days.

The top picture shows the view from one end of Waikiki Beach over the bay to the distinctive peak of Diamond Head.

During our stay, we walked along the beaches, discovered the ABC stores, and several good places to eat within a short distance of our room.

You can see more pictures and videos of Hawaii on Instagram and YouTube.

Here's a tropical view of palm trees and blue sky. 

We saw one or two glorious sunsets from the beach. This photo shows the boats in the harbor silhouetted in sunset colors and their reflections in the water.  

There are pleasant parks beside the beaches with many colorful birds and plants. This photo shows a Java Sparrow and a Saffron Sparrow. The videos on Instagram and YouTube give a better impression of the birds.

We also found a family of cats living in a tree by the beach. They were not friendly, although someone had left bowls of water under the tree for them. 

After Waikiki we flew to the Big Island of Hawaii.