Saturday, June 25, 2022

I will obey your wishes - Excerpt from Cobra for #WeWriWa and #SnippetSunday


Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors and Snippet Sunday. Sample the work of a new author. Read snippets of stories in different genres.

I’m continuing with my new SciFi story. It is coming up for pre-order and release at the end of this month.

Last week, Zennia had her first glimpse of the tragic hero. You can read the excerpt at

The final sentences are: He spoke in a dreamlike tone, “It’s a long way down from this height. A man might jump over the parapet and dive to his death.” His accent was strange, although not as peculiar as his words.

This week’s excerpt continues directly.

Afraid he was contemplating suicide, she stretched a hand toward him, saying, “Please don’t.”

He blinked and shook his head. His bleary eyes focused on her. “Don’t what?”

She kept her tone calm to pacify him. “You spoke as if you wanted to jump to your death. I don’t wish you to do it.”

The pinched lines of stress eased and a faint smile warmed his face. “I will obey your wishes.”

Nine lines and a few more:

His gaze flicked up and down her figure. “Are you one of the natives, the Harappians?”

“No.” She touched her forefinger to the sunburst badge on her breast. “I’m a Curator from the Archives of Galactic Culture on Lumos. I’ve come to Mattapurna to study the local inhabitants and observe their festival of Vashali.”

“The celebration of the spring floods?” He shrugged. “A pagan ritual, not worthy of attention.” A moment later, his eyes lit with a spark of humor and he placed a hand on his chest. “Now with our arrival, you have a more advanced people to study.”

“Indeed, I do.” She thought his arrogance unappealing, yet she resolved to take advantage of the opportunity it offered.

He took a step closer as if he had decided she was worthy of his interest. “Will you be at the reception tomorrow, Curator?”

She replied in a cool tone, “I have received an invitation.”

His expression switched to eager. “Will you talk to me at the event? I yearn for fresh faces and novel conversations.”

Offering an encouraging smile, she said, “Certainly. Where can we…”

A gong clanged three times. Its loud ringing echoed from the walls and cut her words short.

He stiffened and frowned, his face slipping once more into a morose, blank-eyed expression. Muttering, “Forgive me. I am summoned,” he strode to the stairs. 

SciFi mystery. Interstellar spy befriends enemy commander in a tragic tale with a happy ending.

Shan Zennia, Senior Curator of the Archives of Galactic Culture on Lumos, plays a dangerous double role as a researcher and a spy for Solarian Intelligence. She embarks on a new mission to observe the spring festival on Harappi, a planet recently conquered by the ambitious Emperor and now governed by his niece, Domina Allia.

Zennia finds unexpected mysteries on the planet, including the enigmatic Nagari. Once a victorious commander in the Emperor’s space fleet and nicknamed the Cobra, he was forced to abandon his military career when Allia claimed him as her consort. Her abusive treatment has driven him to the brink of madness.

Intrigued by the ex-commander and aware of his value as a source of information on the enemy, Zennia agrees to meet him during the festival of rebirth. Opposing forces clash at the height of the celebrations, catalyzing deadly violence. Can Nagari and Zennia survive the chaos and win a new and happier life?

The ebook is available now for $2.49 at PayHip

Or you can pre-order for $2.99 at  Amazon   Apple   B&N   Kobo   GooglePlay   Other 

I’ll be happy to reply to your comments.

Please return to to sample the works of the other writers.

I’ve started to post videos on TikTok. If you’re interested, you can find me at:

All my books are discounted at my new Webstore:


Find a catalog of my published stories HERE.



  1. I can't yet figure out whether he's friend or foe. Quick changes of his demeanour. Makes him interesting.

    1. As Curator, Zennia is supposed to be neutral, but in secret, she is working against the tyrannical Emperor. This strange man looks like one of the imperial invaders, and therefore, an enemy.

  2. Wow, all kinds of fascinating! Enjoyed the snippet.

  3. Interesting - he shifts moods fast. Wonder what his secret is?

  4. He's definitely caught my interest. Enjoyed the snippet!

  5. He has me intrigued. Enjoyed the snippet.

  6. He certainly seems unhappy. It will be interesting to see how their talk goes.

  7. I can see why she's curious about him. I hope that doesn't put her in danger.

  8. I hope they get to talk more! Such an interesting snippet!
