Friday, November 30, 2018

An Audience in the Pearl Pyramid - Snippet from JUPITER for #WeWriWa #SciFi alien world

Welcome to another Sunday with Weekend Writing Warriors. Meet writers in various genres and read 8-10 sentence snippets of their stories. Find a new author and sample their work. Enjoy!

I’m back after Thanksgiving to run another snippet from Jupiter, Book 3 in Taxyon Space. Nikki is recording the marine life when Kiron gets a message from their hostess, Sora.
You can read my snippet from two weeks ago here:
I’ve skipped again to where Nikki and Kiron learn why Sora called.
Excuse my minor misuse of punctuation to fit.

Smiling at Sora, Nikki said, “We came quickly, and we’re torn with curiosity.”
“Haste is needed; Prime Jadel has summoned you,” Sora’s gaze flicked from Nikki’s face to Kiron’s, “both of you, to an audience in the ninth level of the Pearl Pyramid.”  
“An audience with Tol-Jadel?” Nikki breathed. As First in the Prime triad, Jadel stood at the pinnacle of the hierarchical Warrish society.
A smile flashed over Sora’s olive-green face, “My exalted mother.”
“Sora, can’t you give us a hint of the Prime’s reason for recalling us to Pucklerakt?”
In her blunt manner, Sora said, “No clue has come to my ears; I swim clear of politics.”
“As we do, by preference,” Nikki agreed. “Whatever Tol-Jadel wants of us, I cannot agree to act against the interests of my people, the Earthers.”
“Her goals are ever subtle; you may be unable to decide whether her demand will benefit Earthers or not.”


A simple hop across hyperspace turns deadly, crushing hopes for a human-Warrish alliance
Nikki and Kiron Ramis Bell are studying the marine life of Rishalt when they are summoned for an audience with the Prime. Tol-Jadel sets them the task of investigating a hyperspace perturbation near Jupiter. They must return to the oceans of Europa and prevent this anomaly from severing the hyperroutes between Earth and Rishalt. But, tensions are rising between Warrish Watchers and the humans on Galileo Station, and Earth’s governments are squabbling over the proposed alliance with the aliens. Can Nikki and Kiron erase the obstacle before their home planets are separated forever?

JUPITER is available for Pre-order at Amazon  iBooks  Kobo  B&N 

You can learn how the couple met in Book 1, EUROPA.
EUROPA is 99c this month.
Amazon  iBooks  Kobo  B&N  GooglePlay             

As always, I’ll be happy to reply to your comments.  
Please return to to sample the works of the other writers.

Find a catalog of my published stories HERE.
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Friday, November 23, 2018

Post Thanksgiving Bargains in #SciFi & #Fantasy Stories

 sff 99c Nov
Nov 19-25: SFF 99c Promo

 So Nov 2018
Nov 22-26: Tales from Outer Space – 99c


Nov 15-30: Dark & Gritty - FREE & 99c books at 

 Art ofthe Arcane Nov
Nov 15-30: November Sci-Fi & Fantasy Bargains -

 Diff Worlds
Nov 10-30: Different Worlds - Fantasy and Science Fiction Giveaway -

Thursday, November 22, 2018

My Black Friday Bargains – a Quartet of 99c #SciFiRomance eBooks


Grand Master’s Game
Book 2 of Epic Science fantasy adventure and romance
Psychically linked lovers fight the powerful Grand Masters dominating the galaxy.
99c at Amazon  iBooks  Kobo  B&N    
Book 1 is free when you subscribe to my Newsletter - HERE.


Captured by the Hawk
Intrepid spy, Grey Kat, tangles with notorious space pirate, Captain Hawk, in this comic space novella.
99c at Amazon  iBooks  Kobo  B&N 


When Dr. Nikki Bell’s spaceship crashes on Jupiter’s moon, she swears she was rescued by a mysterious man — but he’s disappeared. From afar, alien Kiron watches the beautiful human he broke every rule to save… and can’t resist meeting her again. Their illicit trysts trigger a chain of disasters in Europa’s perilous oceans.


A Tale of Two Colonies
Naïve colonists discover a planet of giant arthropods - ScFi adventure and romance.
Fight for freedom. Fight to survive - For refugees from an overcrowded Earth, dreams of a better life on an alien planet transform into a terrifying battle for survival.
99c at Amazon  iBooks  Kobo  B&N

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Kiron is worried - Snippet from JUPITER for #WeWriWa #SciFi adventure

Welcome to another Sunday with Weekend Writing Warriors. Meet writers in various genres and read 8-10 sentence snippets of their stories. Find a new author and sample their work. Enjoy!


I’m running snippets from the beginning of Jupiter, Book 3 in Taxyon Space. Nikki is recording the marine life when Kiron gets a message from their hostess, Sora.
I’ve skipped a few paragraphs. Kiron has persuaded Nikki to swim to the island and learn why Sora called.

Please excuse irregular punctuation to fit.
As they waded to the beach, Nikki caught his hand, “I hope this won’t take long, so we’ll be able to chase after the mobile triales. I wanted to trace their migration.”
Gripped by an uneasy foreboding, Kiron stifled a groan. After four miserable years under an abusive First, he treasured every happy moment with Nikki, but their peaceful interlude couldn’t last forever. Did this summons mark the end of their honeymoon? Unwilling to upset Nikki by voicing his worries, he gestured to the veranda, “Sora is waiting for us.”
Their hostess walked to meet them at the top of the beach. With her weathered face and practical clothes, Brisa Sora did not resemble a lady of the highest rank. Indeed, their benefactrix preferred her occupation as a scientist and overseer of the marine preserve to mingling with the fashionably dressed courtiers in the Pearl Pyramid.


A hyperspace hop turns deadly, crushing hopes for a human-Warrish alliance
Nikki and Kiron Ramis Bell are studying the marine life of Rishalt when they are summoned for an audience with the Prime. Tol-Jadel sets them the task of investigating a hyperspace perturbation near Jupiter. This anomaly threatens to sever the routes connecting Earth and Rishalt. They must return to the ocean of Europa to identity the cause of the disruption. But, tensions are rising between Warrish Watchers and the humans on Galileo Station, and Earth’s governments are squabbling over the proposed alliance with the aliens. Can Nikki and Kiron erase the obstacle before their home planets are separated forever?

JUPITER is available for Pre-order at Amazon  iBooks  Kobo  B&N 


You can learn how the couple met in Europa.
EUROPA is 99c this month.
Amazon  iBooks  Kobo  B&N  GooglePlay             

As always, I’ll be happy to reply to your comments.  
Please return to to sample the works of the other writers.

Find a catalog of my published stories HERE.
Join me on Facebook  Twitter  Google+

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Mid November Bargain & Free Stories in #SciFi & #Fantasy

Nov 1-30: Sci-Fi and Urban Fantasy 99c Sale - 

 SFF Mega
  Nov 12-18: SFF Mega Promo -

 Dark & Gritty
Nov 15-30: Dark & Gritty - FREE & 99c books at 

 SO - Diff Worlds
Nov 10-30: Different Worlds - Fantasy and Science Fiction Giveaway -

 Out of Town IF

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Five peaceful hexads - Snippet from JUPITER for #WeWriWa #SciFi Adventure

Welcome to another Sunday with Weekend Writing Warriors. Meet writers in various genres and read 8-10 sentence snippets of their stories. Find a new author and sample their work. Enjoy!

I’m running snippets from the beginning of Jupiter, Book 3 in Taxyon Space.

A hop through hyperspace turns deadly, crippling hopes for a human-Warrish alliance
Nikki and Kiron Ramis Bell are studying the marine life of Rishalt when they are summoned for an audience with the Prime. Tol-Jadel sets them the task of investigating a hyperspace perturbation near Jupiter. This anomaly threatens to sever the routes connecting Earth and Rishalt. They must return to the ocean of Europa to identity the cause of the disruption. But, tensions are rising between Warrish Watchers and the humans on Galileo Station, and Earth’s governments are squabbling over the proposed alliance with the aliens. Can Nikki and Kiron erase the obstacle before their home planets are separated forever?

While Nikki is recording marine animals, Kiron receives an unexpected call on his qtel from their hostess, Sora.
The last line was: Nikki looked at him and raised her eyebrows in a question.
Note, I’ve skipped a couple of lines. A hexad is 6 days and each day is about 30 of our hours. 

He tapped the qtel on his wrist and held out his hand in mute invitation. She furrowed her brow and shook her head, clearly reluctant to quit her observation of the triales. A large cluster of the flower-like animals covered the bottom of this submarine valley; Nikki had already netted a hexad of the mobile triales that were destined for an aquarium in Sora’s laboratories.
As Nikki bent down to examine the triale, he dove toward her. Holding her shoulders and pressing his lips to her ear, he said, “Sora calls.”
She scrunched her face in annoyance. Instead of complaining, she lowered the camera onto her chest, repacked her kit and tucked it into the side pocket of her backpack. She knew how indebted they were for Sora’s hospitality. They had spent five peaceful hexads living with Sora and her triad sister, while Nikki collected data on the local wildlife. During the day, they had explored the preserve, and in the evenings, they shared stories of other worlds with the sisters.


JUPITER is available for Pre-order at Amazon  iBooks  Kobo  B&N 


You can learn how the couple met by reading Europa.
EUROPA is 99c this month.
Amazon  iBooks  Kobo  B&N  GooglePlay             
(99c from the 5th for Kobo and Googleplay)

As always, I’ll be happy to reply to your comments.  
Please return to to sample the works of the other writers.

Find a catalog of my published stories HERE.
Join me on Facebook  Twitter  Google+

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Creatus Talis by Carmen DeSousa #Paranormal

Creatus Talis
Carmen DeSousa
Publication date: December 18th 2018
Genres: Adult, Paranormal

For four thousand years, creatus elders have insisted that the creatus population concealed themselves from human beings because humans had hunted the creatus almost to extinction…

But one woman’s research reveals that when creatus first arrived on this planet, humans didn’t fear the alien beings that looked so much like the human race. That is, until the creatus started to breed with humans, creating a ferocious killer feared by humans and creatus alike. A creature so fierce that its legacy of death and destruction has fed nightmares for millennia. And now, a new breed of creatus has been born — or rather, reborn.

Vev, one of the first generations of creatus talis, finds herself torn between her younger family members and a forbidden love as she fights to save the young talis from being turned into a weapon — or worse, annihilation.

Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iBooks / Kobo / Google Play

Grab Creatus – book 1 – for FREE!
Amazon/ Barnes & Noble / iBooks / Kobo / Google Play


Hesitantly, Vev stepped forward. She’d never kissed a male before. Wasn’t even sure how it worked. She’d read about it, of course. Watched it. But as with everything, her knowledge only took her so far. Life experience, she was learning, was invaluable.

Zach’s heart rate sped up again, and the musky scent she’d noticed intermittently throughout the day escalated. Every beat of his heart fanned the potent scent, filling the room. In response, all of Vev’s senses intensified, as though she were hunting game.

“Vev,” he said, stepping toward her again, “please stay.” His hand stroked her cheek, brushing back a strand of hair. He took another step, this time slipping his arm around her waist.

The pounding in Vev’s heart exploded into such a fast rhythm she could hardly breathe. She gulped, licked her lips. Zach moved just his head toward her this time, pressing his lips to hers. A kiss. Her mouth parted unconsciously as his mouth moved back and forth.

She closed her eyes and inhaled. He smelled so good. So delicious—Vev pulled back so fast that Zach fell forward.

She twisted her body, jerking away. The door. The sun must have set. Regardless, she needed to leave.

“What happened?” Zach’s voice cracked.

“I must go.”

“Vev?” His warm hand made contact with her shoulder and she lurched forward, as far away as the room allowed.

She wheeled, facing him. “I’m not human, Zach. Can’t you see that?”

His lips turned up slightly, revealing curved lines that framed his mouth. “You feel plenty human to me.”

“I’m not!” Vev insisted. She reached for the only thing in her vicinity. A broom. She snatched it from the corner and held it up. She didn’t know how much strength humans had. According to Marguerite, not much. “Can you break this?”

“Why would I want to break my broom?”

Vev huffed out a breath. “Can you?”

“I guess. If I leveraged it against something, I could.”

Vev brought the broom down over her knee, splitting it in two, then squeezed her hands around each part, pulverizing the wood until each piece was nearly sawdust. She released the slivers and shards, crumbling the pieces.

Zach’s eyes grew wide. His heart raced disturbingly fast. She hated scaring him, but she had to make him see the danger. Marguerite had said that her research revealed that the earliest humans hadn’t been afraid of creatus, but that they had become jealous of their beauty and strength, and started hunting them. Vev had never understood that. Now she did. Humans hadn’t hunted the original creatus because they were jealous; they’d been frightened. Because humans smelled good. Because even though she liked the feel of Zach’s kiss, a part of her imagined biting his neck and feasting.

Author Bio:

My stories overflow with romance, suspense, a hint of humor and, of course, a few Kleenex moments. After all, what would a great story be without an emotional event setting the stage? All of my novels are sensual, but not erotic, gripping but not graphic, and will make you cry, laugh, love, and hope. Although some of my books include supernatural or ghostly beings, my stories dance on the edge of make believe. My hope is that as you read my stories, you'll wonder, "Hmmm...what if?"

Like most authors, I blame my leap into a full-time career as a professional writer on my love of reading. Reading has always been an escape for me. When life was rough as a child, I could always disappear into a book. But I found something else too... I discovered that writing out my thoughts was healing. Not only could I create hope for my protagonists, but I could do away with the antagonists--legally.

When I penned my first novel, "She Belongs to Me," I allowed only my cousin and best friend to read it. They are the reason I write. They pushed me to publish, as they felt my stories would give hope to others who've experienced tragedies. So now, even though I still write for myself, I also write for my readers who continually tell me that my words touched their soul.

Currently, my husband of twenty-seven years and I live in California with a very spoiled "rescued" calico we lovingly refer to as "Baby Kitty," even though she's eleven years old. Hubby and I love to experience different areas, so we move a lot. We've lived on both of Florida's coasts: Cocoa Beach and Tampa Bay; Charlotte, North Carolina; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Chicago, Illinois; Bullhead City, Arizona; and now the Northern Central Valley of California. But we're always looking for our next adventure, so we travel every chance we get.

Most of my novels share some of our favorite hobbies, mostly, anything to do with the great outdoors. We both love to read on the beach--or in a coffee shop if it's raining--and if the weather is really nice, we love to go kayaking and hiking. We rarely spend our days off at a movie theater or the mall. In fact, I hate shopping, and my hubby would rather do anything other than take me to a movie when I've already read the book. :)

Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter




Monday, November 5, 2018

#New CAT REFUGE by Liza O'Connor #SciFi

A Warning from someone who knows...
“We all like to believe we are masters of our fate. However, usually it isn’t true. Somewhere, a person exists, sometimes completely unknown to you, whose slightest action impacts your life.”


Jason Connors, the head of the FBI, becomes involved in a simple immigration case in which a doctor from Africa has married an American woman so he can enter the United States. Some claim the doctor is not human, but rather a cat-like alien species that can mimic the human form. Determined to discover what is really going on, he sends his brightest agent, Carmella Ginkabo to Africa, to uncover the facts. Courageously, she travels deep into the jungle to learn the truth from the first of this species who originally landed on Earth two hundred years prior. Her discovery alters the future of Earth forever. 

The foliage before her rustled. She strained to focus on the sound but could see nothing but an unnatural blackness.
Is this Death come to claim me?
As the blackness moved closer, it took the form of a large panther. It stood only a few inches from her face, studying her with such intensity that she could do nothing but return its stare.
 She had cared and nurtured wild cats for most of her life. Yet, never had she encountered one like this. He emanated power and control. His eyes, which locked into hers, declared intelligence far beyond the possible. His size was almost twice that of a normal panther. He stood over five feet in height and probably weighed seven hundred pounds.
Unlike most wild cats, he looked very well fed.
Catina now understood why the Marobis had left her staked like a lamb. She was their sacrificial slaughter.
Even knowing the cat would soon kill her, she could not help admiring the beauty of the beast. He pressed his nose to her hair and sniffed. Instinctively, she raised her face and sniffed at him. She found his musky cat smell rather comforting. It made her think of the wild cats at home she tended.
She was surprised when the panther’s warm rough tongue ran across her face. She nuzzled her head against his neck in response. She knew all it would take would be one snap of those massive jaws and her neck would be broken. But if she could establish a bond, perhaps, just perhaps, he wouldn’t kill her before her tracker could find and rescue her.
She thought the panther seemed quite intrigued with his lamb. At six feet, she was larger than most of the native women in these parts. Or perhaps her white skin or long silky blonde hair confused him.
“I’m not your average meal am I, big fellow?”
The cat appeared startled by her comment, but after a few more intense moments of scrutiny, he continued to sniff and wash her body with his large rough tongue.

 Cat Refuge


About the Author
   Liza lives in Denville, NJ with her dog Jess. Having an adventurous nature, she learned to fly small Cessnas in NJ, hang-glide in New Zealand, kayak in Pennsylvania, ski in New York, scuba dive with great white sharks in Australia, dig up dinosaur bones in Montana, sky dive in Indiana, and raft a class four river in Tasmania. She’s an avid gardener, amateur photographer, and dabbler in watercolors and graphic arts. Yet through her entire life, her first love has and always will be writing novels. She loves to create interesting characters, set them loose, and scribe what happens in a myriad of genres.



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