Friday, May 1, 2020

Real Background to The Lady is Blue My - First Science Fiction Romance Novel


The Lady is Blue: What Color are your Scales?

My first science fiction romance novel The Lady is Blue is set on the distant planet of Eden in a town, which mingles aspects of Yale University, USA, and Oxford University, UK. The story was written some decades ago, while I worked at Yale.

The heroine, Dr. Lucy Stannis, runs a lab in the Science Center in the main town of the small colony. The Science Center is a recreation of the Kline Biology Tower at Yale. Its 12th floor cafeteria is the site of several scenes, including an attempt to kill the heroine. The real cafeteria was popular among science faculty and students for lunch and informal discussions. No scaly aliens have dined in the cafe to my knowledge, although I once met a famous ballet dancer who had been smuggled in under the fake name of Mr. Brown because he wanted to see real research laboratories. 
Kline Biology Tower, Yale University

When the aliens are released from quarantine, Lucy and Sa Kamizan often stroll around the nearby park. The park and bridge over the river are transported from Oxford University Parks
Rainbow Bridge, Oxford University Parks

The Lady is Blue: What Color are your Scales?
Book 1 in the series Atrapako on Eden
    Dr. Lucy Stannis leads a quiet life as the chief biologist in the small human colony on Eden until an alien spaceship arrives. Undaunted by the scaled bodies and vicious claws of the formidable Atrapako, Lucy befriends the captain, Sa Kamizan Veedak. But, soon she grows suspicious of the aliens’ intentions and believes they are hiding a secret. 
    Sa Kamizan is desperate to find a haven for his exiled people and he cannot permit the puny humans to scuttle his plans to settle on the fertile planet. He longs to claim the beautiful human scientist as his mate, but he has sworn to conceal the Atrapako weakness. Yet Lucy’s skills astound him at every new challenge, and he is forced to rethink his devious scheme to seize control of the colony.
    Conflicts with the arrogant Atrapako threaten to destroy Eden’s peaceful society. Can Lucy discover the aliens’ secret weakness in time to save the colony or must she and Sa Kamizan separate forever?

Buy Links: Amazon  iBooks  Kobo  B&N  GooglePlay  PRINT

What Reviewers say about The Lady is Blue
“Really Captivating and Fun!”
“A sassy human female and an arrogant, scaled alien spaceship Captain collide. What could possibly go wrong? Or go right?”
“I loved the twists and turns of the story.”
An amazing, adventurous romance between curious adversaries.”

Main Characters
The main protagonist is Dr. Lucy Stannis, a scientist and secret Terran agent. She is aided and abetted by Dr. Colin Murti, her physician; Roger Fourno, her (soon to be ex-) lover; Dr. Trisha Duran and Dr. Jun Danzhu, her friends and scientific colleagues, and her students, especially the beautiful Sonia.
The elected Governors of the independent colony on Eden are: Mossy Fairweather, Don Vargos and Bernal Mathis.
Lucy is in contact with Admiral Simon Sinclair on a Terran Spaceship.

The Atrapako Blue, Sa Kamizan Veedak, Captain of their spaceship is the major player. He is supported by the old Blue judge, Sa Radekis Volkin, and the Green scientists, Te Suzzaine Sukla and Te Tamarkis Varenne. He is opposed by the young Blue Sa Varasek and the other Blues, including the Honorable Lady Kamilla.
The Atrapako have a rigid class system and their scales are colored according to their class.
Blues are the leaders. They scheme for power and expect instant obedience from the other classes.
Greens are the technologists, scientists, and mechanics.
Reds are strong and massive. They are soldiers and laborers and rarely speak. They have no names as far as the other classes are concerned.
Yellows are the children and anyone not included in the other three classes. For instance, an artist would be a Yellow since art is an unvalued talent, unnecessary for survival on Vkani. 

Short Conversation between the Main Characters:
    “Why do you talk to me anyway?” Lucy said. 
    He laughed and seemed to relax again. “Your questions are very direct, Dr. Stannis. I like your fearlessness. The others are nervous or afraid of me.”
“I’m not surprised they are nervous,” she retorted. “You have vicious teeth and sharp claws.”
    He curled one set of claws in front of her face and ran them lightly down her arm. 
    It tickled and Lucy grinned. “Oh, you are so mild mannered you wouldn’t dare to lay a hand on me!” 
    Sa Kamizan gripped her wrist firmly. “Call your committee and tell them they need another token female scientist. Then, you can see me at the meetings.”
    “I may be a disruptive influence.” Lucy grimaced, she hated restraints. Suddenly, she twisted her wrist against his thumb in a maneuver intended to free her arm. It was a mistake. Her arm slipped free, but she felt claws scrape her skin as Sa Kamizan quickly pulled his hand away.
    She examined her arm. Blood was welling from two shallow punctures. Most humans would blame Sa Kamizan if the incident were known. She glanced up. He looked wary, waiting for her response with crest lowered. “I hope your nails are clean,” she remarked nonchalantly, while searching through her pockets with the uninjured hand. 
    He stared at his hand. Then, he offered her a wad of tissues from a desk drawer. “Let me help you.” He wiped off the blood.  “You should be more cautious in future when playing with Atrapako,” he said softly. 

The series Atrapako on Eden includes three novels.
Dragon Lady, Boxset of Books 1 & 2  Amazon  Kobo  Apple  B&N  GooglePlay

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