Saturday, December 12, 2015

#ScienceFiction - Seashell snippet from Grand Master's Mate for #WeWriWa

Welcome to another Sunday with Weekend Writing Warriors. Here, writers in different genres showcase their stories with 8-10 sentences. Join the fun and read our snippets.

I want to show you a different scene today from my new release Grand Master’s Mate. If you want to read what happened on the Moon Illoris, you can read a longer excerpt here:
The new scene is on the ocean planet of AguaSalva, where humans live on islands and most lifeforms inhabit the seas. Ravaleen is a human Grand Master and Bollerol has five flexible limbs.

A delicate sail of pale yellow swung into view, flying above an almond colored boat with brown stripes. When it drew closer, Violet saw the boat resembled a giant cockle shell. The thin central membrane of the sail protruded from the fleshy base of the marine mollusk. The huge half shells were taller than a man and the sail towered three times higher.
The shell boat steered into the pavilion and halted near Violet. The sail membrane folded down and the shell halves rocked in the gentle waves.
“Board the Callama,” Ravaleen said, “Bollerol will accompany you as a translator.” 
Thoughts wafted into Violet’s mind. “Wish, wash, ride on me; three limbs, four limbs twice, and Bollerol five limbs.” The slow rhythms of Callama’s voice merged into the background swell of the sea. No wonder the translator did not recognize the shell animal’s speech.

Grand Master's Mate

To celebrate completion of the Trilogy, Grand Master’s Pawn is only 99c this month
Grand Master’s Pawn:  
Grand Master’s Game:
Grand Master’s Mate:

As always, your comments are welcome. Would you like to read more about the marine life on AguaSalva, or have another combat scene?
Please return to to sample the works of the other writers.


  1. Such an incredible world you build in your stories, Aurora! And you do an excellent job of showing. :-)

  2. I love the boat! what an awesome idea! Nice job, as always Aurora.

  3. Creative, using the sea as inspiration.

    1. The whole ocean with several marvels and hidden dangers.

  4. Love the boat, and you describe it perfectly. I would think anybody who lives on an ocean world would have transportation just like that. Definitely looking forward to more!

  5. What a great idea- giant shellfish as boat. Such an intriguing world.

  6. What a creative world. I enjoyed reading your snippet and I look forward to reading more of this story.

  7. Blown away by the entire excerpt, use of color as always, the boat, the alien speec cadence...great snippet!

    1. A scene without a fight for a change, and no hazards yet!

  8. I love that the boat talks. I noticed all the colors, too.

  9. Yay, release days! I love the visuals you described. Awesome writing!

  10. Ooh, intriguing. So many questions, and such a vivid description. Thanks so much for sharing!
