Friday, October 30, 2015

New Release - Saving Casey by Liza O'Connor

Meet Jess
My dog Jess wanted to be in my first published novel, (Saving Casey was originally published in late 2012, as my very first novel. I have my rights to the book back, so I am republishing it, now as my 18th book.)  However, when Jess discovered that she would be dying with my heroine, Cass, at the end of chapter one, she was NOT a happy camper. I assured her that she would come back. I had originally planned for her to come back WITH my heroine, but honestly that seemed to be a stretch. First of all, the hospital would have a fit if a puppy appeared in Cass’s room and if Jess appeared at their mansion, Terra Trauma, the butler would have had it sent to the pound.  So I decided Jess would spend a life with someone else, then I’d bring him back in the Epilogue as an adorable small pup. 

I also made Jess a boy in the book. Jess doesn’t mind, for she’s a tom dog.  (That’s like a ‘tom boy’ for girls). She raises her leg to piss, just like male dogs do. She’s even been known to climb on the back of a little bull dog and hump. So I’m thinking in a previous life, Jess was a boy dog, and that’s why she didn’t complain when I made her a boy. The reason I made her a boy was to improve the flow and understanding when Cass (female) would talk about her dog.  It saved me from the confusion of having ‘she’ references for both my heroine and the dog.
Clearly book Jess had another life while Cass struggled with her situation, but what type of life was it?
Jess and I discussed the matter. She demanded I make her a German shepherd or a dire wolf. Since the latter is extinct, we settled on a German shepherd. If you remove any hints of size, she does sort of look like a German shepherd mix.  However, if you put a ruler to her side, the illusion crumbles. The one foot ruler only needs another inch to reach her back height.
But otherwise she resembles a blonde German Shepard, so the yet to be written back story is that while Cass was struggling to survive her new life, Jess was a bomb dog for the army. Unlike many dogs, she can actually understand the English language and can read a person’s emotions, so she manages to save her dog handler countless times and keep him safe through his tour. They did such a good job, he was allowed to keep Jess when he returned to the states. She had a good life with him and his family, saved his son on many occasions. The boy had a penchant for finding trouble, but she managed to keep him alive while he grew up. And when Jess died of old age, no one cried harder than the young man.
Still, Jess missed his Cass, and this time when he arrived in heaven he convinced the angels that Cass deserved a better life, and if they’d just get him in close proximity to the only man Cass had ever loved, he could bring home the bacon.  Next thing, he woke up in a box of puppies in the break room of some corporation. Before the wrong person grabbed him up, he escaped the box and snuck off, in search of a man he’s never met. How on earth would he find the right guy? Then passing a door he heard Cass’s name spoken. A young woman was telling a ruggedly handsome guy of Cass’s struggles. This was the fellow! Now Jess just had to convince him to grab the pup at his feet before he headed off to find Cass… but could he do that?

Saving Casey
Liza O’Connor

Book 1 of the
Requires Rescue Series
Contemporary Suspense

When 80 year old Cass Goldman learns she has inoperable cancer, she decides to end her life, peacefully on her terms. So imagine her horror when she wakes to find herself in a hospital with strange rich people staring at her. It’s not until the doctor arrives to examine her that she realizes she’s no longer old. She’s in the body of a seventeen year old teen named Casey.
Unfortunately, her new body comes with some serious baggage. First of all, the kid has burned every bridge imaginable. Secondly, those ‘people’ in her room are her outrageously rich parents and while the Dad seems friendly, the mother wants nothing to do with her. The moment they take her home to a horrifically huge mansion, which she dubs Tara, she’s abandoned to the care of the butler.
While Cass is determined to turn this train wreck of a life around, doing so is far harder than she expected. In fact, without help, she’ll end up dead just like the last occupant of this body. Thankfully, her dad has his hunky head of security become her body guard. Between her eighty years of life lessons and hunky Troy’s help, she just might live long enough not to be jail bait.

Something soft and warm settled in Cass’s lap. At first she thought Troy had rested his hand next to hers, wanting her to make the first move, but she didn’t recall Troy’s hand being soft and furry.
Looking down, Cass gasped at the small brown puppy in her lap. Its black muzzle and black tipped ears made it the spitting image of Jess as a pup.
She hadn’t realized how much she missed her dog from her prior life until this instant. Tears of joy and anguish overwhelmed her as she gathered the tiny handful of fur into her hands and kissed its sweet face. In return, it licked her hand with its black tongue.
Her mouth opened in shock. Has Jess somehow finagled his way back to me?
“Where’d you get him?”
“At work. I’d just learned Dan has been lying to me about how you were doing. As I typed my resignation on the computer, I felt something climb on my shoe. I looked down and saw this little guy.”
“How did a tiny puppy get in your office?”
“I still don’t know how he managed to travel so far. However, his litter mates resided in the break room in a box with a sign saying, Free Pups, Part Shiba Inu, part Mystery.”
The same as Jess.
“He has a black tongue, did you notice?” he asked.
She kissed Jess’s nose. “I did.”
Troy sat beside her and leaned in to tease Jess’ mouth open, but the pup stubbornly resisted. So like Jess. Was it possible? What had happened to her wasn’t possible. Could the impossible happen twice?
Was this her reward for turning Casey’s life around and helping others?


Liza O’Connor is a nut.
Not a real nut, but she is prone to being a smart ass at times, and not surprisingly her heroines say odd and inappropriate things in her book, as well. So even in a suspense novel you can expect to laugh along the way. That’s because Liza loves to see humor in the crazy world around her.
Saving Casey was actually the first book Liza published. Having recently reclaimed her rights to the book, she is happily re-publishing it as her 18th book. And because her books sell better when in a series, she using Saving Casey to kick of a new series called Requires Rescue. It will be different from her other series where the same characters show up in each book. This series will be about strong women who are trying to go it alone, only when help is offered, they have the good sense to accept the helping hand, because in all of our lives, there will come a time you need someone else to help you. Being strong doesn’t make us invincible. Book 1 is Casey/Cass’ story. Book 2 will be about an entirely different young woman who desperately needs help before she’s murdered on the streets of NYC. Book 3, well the plot is super unique, and more books will follow.
You’ll be able to read the series in any order you want, but in each case, you’ll have a strong young woman, a guy stepping up to help when no one else does, and danger galore with humor stuffed in anywhere I can.
I hope you’ll come along with me so you can laugh, love, and get revenge.



  1. Jess thanks you for having her over. She is anxious to have her book written. In fact, she wants to write it, only she hasn't the paws for it.

    1. Too many paws?
      Jess is welcome. She might even like my dog.

    2. She likes all dogs unless they attack her. Or they are black. She's afraid of black dogs, but if the dog is nice she gets beyond that. Her best friend is a black dog about twice her weight, but not much taller than her. (she's only 13 inches tall.)

    3. Our dog is black with white paws - about 50lbs

    4. If she's friendly, Jess would love her. I can see them frisking about now.

  2. Griss just snuggled up with me as I read about Jess and the story she wants to be in. He thinks Jess should have someone help her write it. :) Griss would buy it if I'd let him have the credit card.

    1. Jess would have fresh meat delivered to her daily if I let her have a credit card.
