Saturday, August 5, 2017

Blasted bad timing - snippet for #WeWriWa #SciFi #amwriting

Welcome to another Sunday with Weekend Writing Warriors. Meet writers in various genres and read 8-10 sentence snippets of their stories.

Okay, I’m biting the bullet and offering a snippet from my WIP. It’s at 53k words and I’m editing. Among other things, I have to deal with killing off one minor character and rewriting him out of later scenes. This story has several deaths.

Current Tag line: What alien creatures lurk under the ice crust of Europa?
See NASA's artist's concept of the setting.  

Here is the beginning of my story. It’s not a final version and any suggestions will be especially appreciated. [Note, slightly irregular punctuation to fit.]

The Solar Spirit shuddered, slamming Nikki onto the steel floor of the passage.
Alarms wailed; red lights flashed warnings.
Biting back a scream, Nikki scrambled onto her feet. A second jolt tipped the floor into an awkward angle. Her boots lifted from the tilted floor and she spun slowly in midair. Styx; the ship’s artificial gravity had failed. What next? No life support? She groaned inwardly; what blasted bad timing. The Solar Spirit had begun decelerating and she had expected to reach Europa in less than two days.

Sorry - no cover yet. 

 GM Trilogy

For the first time in 2017, Books 1-3 of Grand Msters’ Galaxy are 99c until August 16th
Read about this Epic SciFi Fantasy Series with Adventure & Romance here:

Grand Master’s Pawn, Book 1:   Amazon  iBooks  Kobo  B&N  GooglePlay
Grand Master’s Game, Book 2:  Amazon  iBooks  Kobo  B&N  GooglePlay
Grand Master’s Mate, Book 3:  Amazon  iBooks  Kobo  B&N  GooglePlay

You can also pick up 99c and Free eBooks in Science fiction, Fantasy and Romance, or enter a giveaway to win a KindleFire.


As always, I’ll be happy to reply to your comments.
Please return to to sample the works of the other writers.


  1. What an intense scene. I wonder what is in store for Nikki next.

    1. Well, they say you should start in the middle of the action.

  2. The scene immediately grabs you. Love the internal dialogue to establish Nikki's character and predicament. Great beginning, Aurora.

  3. Oh wow! INtense scene. I'm intrigued by everything going on.

  4. Dramatic start for sure, can't wait to keep reading. Terrific snippet!

  5. Great, strong beginning. I love it when we're placed right in the middle of the action from the first sentence!

    1. Thank you. I just need to make the middle parts strong!

  6. This opening is strongly reminiscent of the opening of my Escapee, which I posted today. One thing I wondered about: it seems to me that losing your life support would elicit a stronger comment than 'bad timing', because there's no good time for that to happen.

    1. Oh - I haven't seen your snippet yet.
      The ship hasn't lost life support yet, but I'll think about a stronger response from her.

  7. Intense scene. I hope she finds something to hang onto before gravity is restored. Otherwise, ouch!

  8. Never ask "What next?" or "What else could go wrong?" The answer is invariably one you don't like.

    Nice action scene. Can't wait to find out what caused the malfunction.
